It's Time to Take your Seat
Take Your Seat
For generations, the story of America’s farmers has been one of grit, determination, and unwavering faith. Through trials and triumphs, one truth remains: Together, we can do more. Working together, Central Valley Ag unites with our farmers to feed this hungry planet.
There's Room at the Table.
Our Planet is Hungry. Together, we feed it.
Register to Win
Working together, Central Valley Ag unites with our farmers to feed a hungry planet.
Enroll in CVA's Go Early Seed Program and maximize your purchasing power with ONE YEAR of 0% Financing for Seed and Crop Protection.
For a limited time, register for a chance to win college game day football tickets* when you enroll in CVA's Go Early Seed Program by October 18.
Our planet is hungry. Together, we feed it.
*UNL vs Wisconsin: November 23
KSU vs Cincinnati: November 23
ISU vs K-State: November 30
We understand that seed is only one decision you make throughout the growing season, but we believe it is the decision on which every other aspect of your cropping plan revolves around. Achieving success starts with making the seed selection that best fits your agronomic environments and management decisions.