CVA reports on 2023 Fiscal Year at Annual Meeting
Nov 21, 2023
On November 20, 2023, Central Valley Ag (CVA) hosted its Annual Meeting at the Holthus Convention Center in York, Neb. CVA reported $61.1 million in total profit with $39.1 million in local profit from $2.4 billion in total sales for the 2023 fiscal year, ending on August 31, 2023. Within this profit, the cooperative was able to pay out the highest amount of cash paid to patrons in the last seven years.
CVA reported over $38.4 million in cash paid out to patrons through equity redemptions and patronage for fiscal year 2023. “Central Valley Ag could not be successful without the member-owners,” said President/CEO of CVA, Carl Dickinson. “It is gratifying to share success with them in the form of cash payouts.”
Central Valley Ag continued to improve service to patrons through improvements and expansion projects this last fiscal year. The cooperative reported an investment of $64 million in capital expenditures in fiscal year 2023. “To effectively provide for our member-owners, we need to ensure we have top-tier facilities, equipment, and people. Reinvesting capital is an important part of running a prosperous business,” said Dickinson.
Through its mail-in ballot process, CVA held elections for the Board of Directors. Voting stockholders elected the following producers to the board: Kurt Thoene of Hartington, Neb., Region 2; Heath Reimers of Clarks, Neb., Region 3; Carmen Schlickbernd of West Point, Neb., Region 4; Luke Carlson of York, Neb., Region 5; Tom Vodicka of Surprise, Neb., Region 6; and Ryan May of Hunter, Kan., Region 9.
The Board of Directors is made up of local agricultural producers who are recognized for their industry expertise, as well as economic and community development skills. Its mission is to provide leadership of CVA’s current direction and initiatives, in addition to positioning the organization for future success and profitability for members.
“Serving on the CVA Cooperative Board is about representing your neighbors,” said CVA Board Chairman, Luke Carlson. “We make sure that their needs are met, and if they're not being met, we find out how we can better serve them.”